Product Design (Free).








In this world, freedom is not just a concept but also a desire and pursuit. Spiritual freedom means breaking free from the shackles of thought, possessing autonomous consciousness and the ability to think independently, and being able to freely choose beliefs, values, and lifestyles. Physical freedom refers to breaking free from the constraints of the body, being able to move and express oneself freely, without external limitations or constraints.

Imagine a scenario where a group of people lives in a square cement building, their lives resembling those of animals trapped in cages, confined to a limited space. This limitation suppresses both their spirits and bodies, forcing them to rely on their imaginations to satisfy their inner desires.

However, even in adversity, the human desire for freedom never ceases to pulsate. Spiritual freedom enables them to explore their inner world through thinking, reading, artistic creation, and other means, seeking a way to liberation. Physical freedom motivates them to constantly seek opportunities, challenge restrictions, and pursue broader horizons.

Perhaps it is this power of longing for freedom that drives people to bravely face difficulties and challenges. They may not be able to change the surrounding environment, but they can expand the freedom of their hearts and fantasies to the extreme through unwavering willpower. In the confined space limited by square cement, they use creativity and imagination to build a spiritual sanctuary of their own, a sky where they can fly freely.

Therefore, even in adversity, we can still find the value and meaning of freedom. Freedom exists not only in the external environment but also in our inner world. As long as we have strong beliefs and unwavering determination, we can find our own path to freedom in any environment.

Below is—

“The adversity is the cradle of freedom."


“The virtuous do not argue; those who argue are not virtuous."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (Time Line).













For a long time, I’ve been living each day in a hurry, as if everything around me were just fleeting clouds. Children, pets, flowers, and trees, these ordinary yet beautiful beings, I have never truly taken the time to appreciate them. However, in recent days, I’ve started trying to slow down, savoring these seemingly ordinary yet charming things, and it has brought about a lot of reflection.

I’ve realized that children are like flowers, requiring careful nurturing and care. They cannot grow on their own; they need our attention and support. And I never imagined that interacting, communicating, and connecting with children could bring me such joy and fulfillment. When I slow down and spend time with them, I truly experience the richness and diversity of life.

The sunlight pouring into every corner of the house feels like the magical work of a creator, reminding me of the wonders and greatness of life. I’ve begun to appreciate these subtle changes, enjoying the warmth and vitality brought by the sunshine, which fills me with gratitude and passion for life.

The following is a reflection—-

Now, I’m trying to live each moment more fully and happily.

Instead of rushing through time, I’m taking the time to appreciate the beauty of each moment. I’m cherishing the intimate interactions with my family, pets, and nature, which make life feel meaningful and valuable.

I firmly believe that only by living in the present moment can I truly experience the beauty and richness of life. Therefore, I will continue to strive to make each day full of joy and meaning.


“The beauty of the present moment is everything."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (透).







生活就像是一盆花,如何灌溉就看自己如何決定處理,心態 / 嘴 / 眼界 缺一不可。以慈悲心去看待這世界,人的包容力就會提高,就像是在對待自己的小孩一般,日悟三省不可或缺。

Life is like this crazy game where you’re constantly battling monsters and leveling up, you know? Each new thing you face is like encountering a new beast in the game, and every time you defeat one, you learn something and get stronger. As you get older, you face all sorts of different challenges, and that shapes how you see things and your attitude towards them. It’s like going from being totally amazed at everything to feeling like you’ve seen it all before, you know what I mean?

In this journey, we’ve got to deal with all sorts of challenges, just like facing different levels of bosses in a game. These challenges test our skills and courage, but they’re also opportunities for growth. It’s only by overcoming each challenge that we can keep leveling up and becoming stronger.

But standing out in this game isn’t easy, man. It takes real determination and grit, and you’ve got to be willing to push yourself to the limit. Plus, you’ve got to keep learning and growing, otherwise you’ll just blend into the background. That’s the key to making it in this crazy, competitive world and chasing after your dreams.

The following is a reflection—-

The beauty of life lies in experiencing its various aspects, tasting its sweetness and bitterness, until we truly understand what we enjoy.

Surely, no one enjoys being miserable; wouldn’t it be wonderful if every day were filled with happiness and joy?

Life is like a potted plant, and how we nurture it depends on our own decisions. A balanced mindset, speech, and perspective are essential. Viewing the world with compassion increases our capacity for tolerance, much like how we treat our own children. Daily introspection and reflection are indispensable.


“Life is a game, challenging and evolving, akin to battling monsters and leveling up, experiencing all flavors, finding preferences, nurturing with compassion, daily introspection and reflection."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (Stalin69).













In life, every emotion requires nurturing; nothing blooms instantly.

Embrace the beauty of every moment, for within it lies the essence of existence.

When we marvel at the splendor of all things, we realize the profound insignificance of humanity, akin to ants scurrying about.

The adage, “plant trees for future generations to enjoy the shade," seems fitting, yet incomplete.

It should rather inspire us to cultivate and innovate.

For in the cycle of progress, it is not just about preserving what is, but about sowing seeds for what could be.

Just as a garden thrives with new blooms, so does human endeavor flourish with innovation and renewal.

Let us, therefore, not merely rest in the shade of past accomplishments but aspire to elevate them, ensuring that the legacy we leave behind is one of perpetual growth and advancement.

The following is a reflection—-

Reflections on Life: Contemplating Mortality and the Essence of Being

In the continuum of life, we find ourselves pondering the meaning of existence, where thoughts of life intertwine with those of death. The phrase “contemplating mortality to embrace life" resonates deeply within us, transcending mundane affairs to delve into the innermost recesses of the human psyche.

Confronted with life’s impermanence, we are compelled to explore its significance. The brevity and unpredictability of life underscore its fragility and preciousness. Each fleeting moment becomes a treasure, for it is a part of the grand tapestry of existence. With the dawn, we sense life’s vitality, while the dusk reminds us of its fleeting nature.

The contemplation between life and death is not merely a quest for meaning but also an exploration of self. Faced with the inevitability and uncertainty of death, we reflect on our lifestyles and values. Are we living authentically, pursuing the aspirations of our hearts? Or are we ensnared in the trivialities of existence, forgetting our true dreams and desires?

The shadow of death also prompts us to cherish the present. Acknowledging life’s transience, we hold dear the moments spent with loved ones and revel in the beauty bestowed upon us by nature. Gratitude and appreciation blossom within us, for we understand that life’s value lies not in its duration but in its depth and richness.

Yet, in the face of mortality, we also draw strength. Death is not an end but a transition—a doorway to another realm. It teaches us that the essence of life extends beyond its physical boundaries, residing in our contributions and impacts on the world. Though the departed have passed, the living endure. We must cherish the present and strive for a better future.

In contemplating life and death, we unearth the essence of existence. Life’s worth is not measured by its length but by its substance and richness. Let us treasure each moment, live authentically, and endeavor towards a brighter tomorrow. For it is in this pursuit that we find true meaning and value in the continuum of life.


“In the ebb and flow of existence, humanity finds solace in reflecting on the intricate dance between life and death, where the contemplation of mortality serves as a catalyst for embracing the profound beauty of living."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (Sword Blade).










The edge of a blade is not just a physical entity; it embodies a spirit of resilience and sharpness. Its edge represents not only strength and authority but also the courage to face challenges and difficulties, as well as the resilience to resist various trials in life.

This spirit is akin to the inner strength of humanity. We often encounter various hardships and challenges on the path of life, much like battles. It is the resilience and sharpness, akin to that of a blade, that enable us to overcome adversity, transcend ourselves, and continue moving forward.

At the same time, the blade also symbolizes the sharpness and insight of the human spirit. It can penetrate through pretense and disguise, discerning the essence and truth of things, guiding us in the right direction, and avoiding falling into confusion and misunderstanding.

Therefore, when facing challenges and difficulties in life, we can draw strength and wisdom from the spirit of the blade. Let us remain resilient, stay sharp, bravely confront everything, continuously explore and move forward, and achieve greater accomplishments in life.

The following is a reflection—-

In the tapestry of human existence, we are invariably influenced by the duality of positives and negatives, much like the presence of sunlight and shadow. This inherent opposition shapes the balance of life, yet we often find ourselves caught in the pursuit of one aspect while neglecting the other. It is within this pursuit and loss that we must reflect and adjust, seeking the true equilibrium of life.

Sunlight brings warmth and illumination, symbolizing hope and happiness. However, excessive exposure to sunlight may lead to fatigue and sunburn, causing physical and emotional harm. Similarly, our pursuits of material wealth and success can have the same effect when pursued excessively, potentially overshadowing other vital values and meanings in life.

On the other hand, shadows are inevitable, bringing challenges and difficulties, yet also nurturing growth and wisdom. When faced with adversity and setbacks, we often learn more, becoming stronger and more resilient. However, indulging excessively in the shadows may lead to despair and despondency, robbing us of motivation and hope for the future.

Therefore, we must strive to find balance between these extremes, like artists blending sunlight and shadow to create a harmonious life. We should cherish the beauty brought by sunlight while also accepting the existence of shadows, learning from them and gaining experience and wisdom. Only then can we truly achieve inner peace and fulfillment, discovering the true meaning and value of life.


“The presence of both light and shadow is crucial for genuine fulfillment."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (Fast line).






或許,我們可以進一步反思:「我們如何定義 ‘自己想要的’?」這個問題將引導我們深入探索自我內在的價值觀和目標,並且反思這些渴望是否真正源於我們內心深處。



Current industrial design tends toward sleekness and curves, a trend that, while giving a sense of beauty to many products, can cause each brand’s design to lose its uniqueness and personality.

It seems that the car factory is just trying to follow the so-called fashion trends and can only retain one or two so-called classic elements, as if it is pursuing some form of progress rather than truly showing the unique culture and language of the brand.

Perhaps it is worth thinking about that the designs that were born in the repressive period in the past are more able to express a unique sense of tension and depression.

This may be an alternative aesthetics of design. Although design styles are changing nowadays, those classic designs still stand firm and last forever.

The following is a reflection—-

Let’s explore the truth behind these ideas. How can we be sure that what we are pursuing is a true inner desire, rather than an illusion shaped by external social culture? Can we find the voice that truly belongs to us in our subtle thinking and let it guide us forward?

Perhaps, we can further reflect on: “How do we define ‘what we want’?" This question will lead us to deeply explore our inner values ​​and goals, and reflect on whether these desires truly originate from the depths of our hearts.

Finally, we can explore the nature of time. Is time just an empty concept, or a product of our own thinking? When we are able to transcend the concept of time, are we able to live more freely in the present and truly experience the wonders of life?

Through such exploration and reflection, we may be able to gain a deeper understanding of the true meaning of our existence and more consciously shape the life we ​​want.


“Look within and understand the darkness."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (Scrambling).





Life is like an endless journey, where we continuously seek meaning and value in our existence.

Yet, along this vast path, we often find ourselves ensnared by various illusions, losing sight of who we truly are and the direction we should take.

It’s only when we pause and gaze into the depths of our hearts that we uncover the overlooked truths.

For within each person lies a labyrinth of lost souls, and only by bravely confronting our inner darkness, accepting our vulnerabilities and imperfections, can we discover the serenity and strength within.

Therefore, let us courageously venture into the abyss, explore ourselves, and uncover the true freedom and value of existence.


“Everyday’s vanity."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Product Design (Renaissance).

複雜 / 簡單 / 幾何 / 構圖 / 點綴

Complexity / Simplicity / Geometry / Composition / Embellishment
What is the function or concept of a chair?
Is it comfortable? Or should it have a feeling?
Is design for design? Or is it about leaving a fire.


“Face the truth bravely, even if it may make us feel uncomfortable and uneasy."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Architectural Design (Symbiosis and Prosperity – Point, Line, Plane).




What is the purpose of architecture?

How to live in harmony and prosper with nature is something worth contemplating.

Ordinary yet extraordinary.

委託人: 莊先生

Client: Mr. Zhuang


We should always contemplate, for the wisdom of life lies not in what we know, but in what we do not know.

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.
Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.
Design Is Learning And Living.

Stallion 116.


Participated in a contest a while ago, but I didn’t get selected, so I put it up here to keep it as a base and to enjoy it.

What is the nature of movement?
Point A to Point B, or enjoying the beauty of moving?
Do you want to live your life for yourself? Or for the world?
You and I are just NPCs, who controls who?

25th IBDC

I am playing the game and enjoying it.